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New Providence School District

Pals with Paws

Therapy Dog Program Overview

The New Providence School District is excited to continue our NP’s Pals With Paws Therapy Dog Program.  Through this program, certified therapy dogs will visit each building to provide social-emotional support to our students under the guidance of its certified handler.

District Policy

If you would like to opt your child out of participating in this program, please log in to PowerSchool, navigate to Forms, then General Forms, complete the Opt-Out Therapy Dog Program Form at the top of the page, and click Submit.

Here are some key benefits of using therapy dogs in schools:

  • Increased self-esteem and positive interactions between staff and students.

  • Increase in positive mood; places students at ease, increasing openness and positive socialization with others. 

  • Studies have shown an increase in student reading skills when they are given opportunities to read to an accepting, non-judgemental audience (i.e. a therapy dog).

  • Therapy dogs offer comfort and non-judgmental love. 

  • Research has shown that when dogs and humans interact, they both release oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin; hormones that are linked to a positive, calm, and regulated emotional state of mind.

  • Studies have proven that even a short amount of time with a dog can:  

    • Increase emotional security

    • Increase memory and problem-solving skills

    • Decrease levels of anxiety

    • Decrease blood pressure and increase physical stimulation

    • Help children learn compassion, empathy, responsibility, respect, and self-discipline

Pals With Paws Flyer


phoebe the therapy dog with two teachers and student
SB Tiger and Bailey the therapy dog
Phoebe the therapy dog at Roberts
Therapy dog with students at NPHS
Finny the therapy dog with handler at NPMS
Bailey the therapy dog with handler
Phoebe the therapy dog with handler
Finny the  therapy dog with students at NPMS
Bailey the therapy dog with students at Salt Brook
Phoebe the therapy dog with students at AWR
Phoebe the therapy dog with student at AWR
Phoebe the therapy dog with students at AWR
Phoebe the therapy dog with students at AWR
Phoebe the therapy dog with student at AWR
Phoebe the therapy dog with student at AWR
Students with Bailey