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New Providence School District

NJ FamilyCare

NJ FamilyCare Information
NJ FamilyCare is a very important program that provides free or low cost insurance for children and their parents who aren't covered.

With the recent signing of new legislation, Governor Corzine has made a commitment for New Jersey to provide universal health insurance to children and affordable options for parents/guardians This new law mandates that all children age 18 and under have health insurance.

Therefore, the New Providence School District, in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Education, is now assisting the New Jersey Department of Human Services in its efforts to provide information and help to identify uninsured children and to help families access free or low cost health insurance. To access the NJ FamilyCare website, go to:

In addition, fact sheets in other languages (Gujarati, Hindi, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, and Tagalog), can be also be found at: