Health Services
Allen W. Roberts School- Jessica Leon, at (908) 464-4707 ext. 3514
Salt Brook School - Mrs. Lynn Kral, at (908) 464-7100 ext. 2615
New Providence High School and Middle School - Ms. Andrea Wright (908) 464-4700 ext. 1642
District Float Nurse - Ms. Lauren Abbatemarco (Schedule - Mon at SB, T/W/Th at MS/HS, Fri at AWR)
NJ School Nutrition and Policy Guidelines
Students Entering Kindergarten
Please be sure that all immunization forms are submitted before school entry and that all forms have complete information. If immunizations are given during the summer after health forms have been sent to the school, please submit an UPDATED IMMUNIZATION RECORD signed by your doctor.
Current New Jersey State regulations mandate the following immunizations:
Students entering kindergarten or first grade:
DTP/DTaP Minimum of 4 doses (1 dose on or after the fourth birthday)
Polio Minimum of 3 doses (1 dose on or after the fourth birthday)
Hepatitis B 3 doses (required for all children born after January 1, 1996)Varicella (Chickenpox)1 dose on or after the first birthday OR proof of disease (lab results or written statement from a physician or parent) required for all children born on or after January 1, 1998
Tdap 1 booster dose
Meningococcal conjugate 1 dose
Students attending pre-school programs:
Pneumococcal conjugate Complete series
Influenza Administered by December 31st each year
(in addition to age-appropriate standards for DTP/DTaP, polio, Hib, MMR, and varicella/chicken pox)
If your child has a medical condition, please notify the school prior to the beginning of school. Severe allergies, especially food allergies, necessitate special planning and procedures. Please contact the school nurse to discuss any concerns or questions.
Allen W. Roberts School- Mrs. Noelle Stock, at (908) 464-4707 ext. 3514