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New Providence School District

Teachers of the Year

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New Providence School District Teachers of the Year

The New Providence Board of Education has the honor of selecting four teachers representing each of our schools for the Union County Teacher Recognition Program, which acknowledges educators for their commitment to their students and their profession.

Recommendations are solicited from staff, parents, and students. A committee of teachers, parents, board members, and administrators reviews all nominations. We seek to honor teachers that exemplify the best qualities of their profession. This is not an attempt to identify the best teacher; but rather an opportunity to thank all teachers for what they do by choosing one from each school to represent the profession.

Teachers nominated may have shown extraordinary compassion, established an especially supportive learning environment, or recognized and nourished a unique gift in a student.
All teachers are eligible for this recognition, including special education, art, music, physical education and library/media center.

Selected teachers meet the following criteria:
• Contribute a feeling of self-worth and a love of learning in all students;
• Establish a positive classroom climate and rapport with all students;
• Use effective, innovative instructional strategies;
• Increase student achievement of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards through a student-centered environment;
• Utilize educational technology in an effective and efficient manner;
• Contribute to quality professional development in the district; and
• Hold an instruction certificate.

Each year, all four teachers honored will join their Union County colleagues for a special ceremony through Kean University and are honored with a Golden Apple at a New Providence Board of Education Meeting.