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New Providence School District

Emergency School Closings

Closing Information


The decision to close the schools during the school day (for storms, heating problems, or other emergencies) will be made only by the Superintendent of Schools.  The New Providence School District utilizes an emergency telephone calling system for mass notifications to parents and staff.   Within minutes of an emergency, such as a school closing, each registered telephone number will have been called and messages will be left on answering machines and voice mail in the event the call is not answered.


The contact numbers for each student include a primary contact number and one alternate phone number, which are on file in each school building.  Emergency school closings will continue to be broadcast on the New Providence community access channels and on the district website.


Parents who do not expect to be at home during the school day must make prior arrangements for a responsible person to pick-up their children should an emergency school closing occur.  This must be planned in advance and the children must know what they are supposed to do when an emergency arises.  The Contact Information Form on file in each school will verify these plans.


The New Providence Police Department have asked that they not be called with questions about school closings.


*Please refer to the Board of Education policy on Student Supervision After School Dismissal.