Technology and Information Services
District Technology and Information Services Department
Instructional Technology and Information Literacy directly support students and teachers in fulfilling the curriculum goals of the New Providence School District. Teachers and students have access to many technological devices, software applications, and online databases that will enhance the learning experience by increasing productivity and creativity. All students in the New Providence School district have access to the Internet with parent permission and after signing the district's "Internet Acceptable Use Agreement".
In order to foster information literacy, there is an online resource center in each of the school libraries as well as a wide selection of books, including e-books, magazines, and audiovisual resources. District librarians provide weekly instruction for grades K-4 on information literacy skills and whole-class instruction for grades 5-12 when research-based projects are assigned. Lessons on acceptable Internet use, website evaluation, plagiarism, and copyright law are presented throughout the middle and high school years. In addition to teaching information literacy and research skills, district librarians continue to encourage literature appreciation by offering reader advisory services for pleasure and informational reading.
The district's curriculum is based on the NJSLS-Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills (NJSLS-CLKS)-Career Readiness, Life Literacies, and Key Skills.
Technology and Information Services
James McGeechan, Department Head of Technology and Information Services, Technology Specialist