New Providence Alliance
The mission of the New Providence Alliance is to identify abuse environments and root causes within the community, assess needs, and implement effective education and prevention programs. Base abuse and prevention programming on community needs, including but not limited to, Alcohol, Drugs, Mental Health, Sexual Violence, Domestic Violence, and Suicide Prevention.
High School Volunteers and Representatives Wanted
The New Providence Alliance is looking for High School students willing to bring their voice and peer ideas to the Alliance. We offer opportunities for students to volunteer, or take a leadership role as a Student Representative.Volunteers are welcome to attend meetings and share their voice. Student Representatives act as leader and liaison between the Alliance and your school, participate in monthly Alliance meetings and post social media. We ask Volunteers and Representatives to conduct themselves and treat others with respect, integrity, and open kindness and abide by school and community codes of conduct. Link here to apply (
Adult Volunteers Needed
Do You Want to Make a Difference in Someone’s Life? Join us!
The Alliance is looking for passionate community members to join our team of volunteers. We are looking for your ideas, your leadership and your desire to make a difference. We are looking to expand the Alliance and our community efforts and welcome volunteers.
Join the Alliance at their monthly meetings. Visit NP Alliance on Facebook for the schedule and zoom link