Strategic Planning
1) Enhance district wide communication programs focusing on technological distribution of district information and continue to enable improved engagement with the community.
2) Enhance elementary student programming for early student development and to offer more resources and experiences to enhance student achievement.
3) Enhance secondary programming to continue to enable student achievement, while preparing students for career readiness and post high school academics.
4) Implement a robust Social Emotional Learning curriculum for the district.
5) Continue to monitor community housing development and proactively address the impact on the district from a facilities and instructional perspective.
6) Enhance the district facilities to develop a modern learning environment, considering collaboration, class size, grade configuration, and extracurricular activities.
7) Continue to develop an innovative, collaborative and modernized instructional framework focused on higher-level thinking, real-world problem solving, student autonomy, self-pacing, and the development of a student-centered, learner-driven classroom environment.
8) Develop and implement data driven decision making for teachers, parents, and students enhancing student achievement K to 12.